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Orange County Begonia Society 
A Chapter of the American Begonia Society

Orange County Begonia Society 
Meeting Times: 
2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm
No meetings in January, May, September, and December 


Meeting Location: 
St John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 

405 N Dale, Anaheim, CA 92805 


Contact:  Martin Delgado, President
562-310-8380  (Please leave message)

The next meeting of the OC Begonia Club will be October 12, at the Greek Orthodox church in the usual room with the entrance off the back parking lot.

This month will feature the plants that we ordered from the Ft Worth Botanical garden and distributed to the members. Please do bring all the plants that you took home several months ago so that everyone can see how well they grew (or didn’t!!). Also we will discuss the possibility of placing another order. In addition bring any begonias that you have questions about or any you want to show off. Tell us how you are growing them so that we may all learn! This meeting will be an extensive Show and Tell so please bring your plants, participation is key to a good learning experience.

During the business portion, we will discuss the upcoming holiday gathering and analyze the September show and sale at Sherman Gardens.

Refreshments will be as usual, remember to bring your own drink and if you wish to bring a snack to share that is always appreciated. Thank you to all who contribute!

This is Martin Delgardo with his Staghorn Fern he got remounted at Long Beach Begonia Society.

Map to Orange County Branch meeting location: 

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